21 Jun 2024 FRUT5 minutes read

Quick And Easy Ways To Store And Thaw Fruit Puree For Maximum Freshness

A frozen fruit puree is enough to mix sweetness and flavors to any cuisine or dish. Frozen fruits can be consumed in endless ways, but purees are still the best way to consume them. Frozen fruit purees, as their name implies, are the purest form of frozen fruit, which can be consumed without any efforts like peeling, extraction, etc. Now, not every puree is pure. If you purchase best wholesale frozen fruit puree from a supplier like Frut, then only you will get 100% pure fruit puree. Simply put, you will not find any preservatives, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, and other compounds. With Frut, procuring high-quality purees is easy, but what about storage and thawing? Today, we will discuss the most common doubts associated with purees: storage & thawing.

What is a Puree?

Before understanding anything, the first and the most important thing is to know about puree. A puree is the naturally processed product of a fruit. It means there is no involvement of artificial compounds. A puree is made after extracting the flesh of a fruit. There are multiple ways to create a puree like boiling, crushing, pressing, blending, etc. The process continues until a thick, even, and creamy mixture is achieved. Puree is the easiest way of consuming a frozen fruit, and it provides maximum benefit for the fruit.

How To Store Frozen Fruit Puree?

Wholesale frozen fruit puree is undoubtedly a favorable way to bless yourself with nature, but its storage is not simple. Frozen fruits require extremely cold temperatures and favorable conditions. The same applies to frozen fruit purees. Interestingly, purees require more care and safety. This is because they are in processed form, and any contact with bacteria or unwanted entities can lead to decay. Secondly, they don't have any natural protection like peel in the case of fruits. So they require extra care. Here are two preferred ways to store purees.

Special Containers

Firstly, you can't store purees in any container. Special food-safe and sealed containers are best for purees. Leaving purees open even inside the freezer is not recommended in any case. This will spoil the taste and may reduce the benefits. So, while storing purees, make sure to use food-safe and insulated containers so that no external entity can affect the puree.

Extreme Temperature

We all know that frozen fruits require extreme temperatures, but the temperature requirement for purees is super extreme. Simply put they require more freezing temperature to hold their taste and nutrient composition. Surprisingly, low temperatures instantly spoil purees. It is always adviced to use or serve the puree instantly after putting it out of the freezer. High temperatures are solely responsible for ultimate freshness and authentic taste.


Well, hygiene is important with every food item, but with frozen purees, it becomes a necessity. Even your skin contact can lead to decay and unusual taste. So it is always adviced to store puree in clean containers. Similarly, always put puree using a clean and dry spoon. Even water can disturb their taste and quality. So always maintain cleaningess, dryness and no direct contact.

How To Thaw Frozen Fruit Puree?

There is no reason to know the perfect thawing process without knowing Thawing. Thawing is a very common process to make a food item easy to consume. The process basically deals with frozen items that can't be consumed instantly. So, thawing is used to convert them from a frozen state or liquid or consumable form. The process is done with almost all frozen items except ones that are meant to be consumed in a frozen state. Now, it's time to learn about thawing processes. There are many ways to thaw, but here we will discuss some of the most common and preferred ones.

Cold Water

Thawing using cold water is the best and most preferred way. As purees are stored under sealed containers, you can easily thaw them using cold water. You can achieve this in two ways. Firstly, you can put the frozen puree in a container filled with cold water. Leave it for 40-70 minutes and your puree is ready to be served directly. Secondly, you can put the puree container under running cold water. Leave the container under running water for 10-20 minutes. However a lot of water gets wasted in the second process.

Room Temperature

Room temperature is the best option for thawing purees. People usually prefer cold purees as dips and spreads, so you can't use microwaves for them. The best way is to leave puree for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. A perfect puree is ready to serve as a dip or spread. The only thing to remember is don't open the container while thawing at room temperature. Now, if you want to add puree to a cuisine, you can use the microwave for thawing. But in both cases, consume them instantly.


Yes, you read it right! Purees suit freezers where the temperatures are extremely low. But one can't consume frozen puree. So, the optimum way for thawing is using the refrigerator. If you don't want to lose nutrients, taste, and freshness, you can go this way. The best thing is after thawing, you will get a perfectly chilled puree that can be used in several ways. From ice cream to dips and smoothies to desserts, chilled puree is perfect for most food items. The only drawback of this process is it takes time. You have to leave puree in the refrigerator for more than 12- 15 hours.

Usages Of Frozen Fruit Puree

Frozen Fruit purees are the best way to utilize the nutrients, chemical composition, flavors, and taste of a fruit. If you can't consume frozen fruit directly due to any reason you can add that fruit and its benefits to your favorite cuisine or drink using purees. Most importantly, they enhance the taste, flavor, and aroma of the dish. Purees are generally used as a dip and spread for several dishes. And when it comes to drinks and desserts their usages are unlimited. In some cases, experienced and creative chefs use puree as an ingredient in cooking an exotic and unique dish. Lastly, purees are used in making packaged food items, especially chocolates and other sweets. Exotic chocolates, shakes, and candies are prepared using purees of exotic frozen fruits like blackberries, currants, dragon fruit, acai berries, etc.

Wrapping Up

Frozen fruit purees are undeniable because they can easily win everyone's heart & mind. Purees are among the very few processed food items that are both delicious and healthy. If a person wants to make a traditional boring diet into a healthy, delicious, and exciting diet, purees are the easiest option. After purchasing bulk fruit puree from Frut, one can bring variety and excitement to his table. Frut has one of the largest collections of 100% natural purees making it one of the best frozen fruit puree suppliers. They also have exclusive rare purees that are very difficult to find anywhere else. With all-time availability, perfect freshness, excellent quality, and super fast delivery, Frut is committed to spreading excitement, flavors, sweetness, and health to every Indian. Go through their puree collection and buy some exotic ones now.